Friday, November 9, 2012

homer goodness:)

our boy, Homer, is getting to be quite the ham. People can't get enough of this kid! Am I bragging? Yes. Am I super proud of how amazing he is? Um. Duh;) Can I believe how lucky we are? Nope. The things that come out of my mouth on Wine Night surely should have gotten me a super awful, rotten child. But alas...all that shit I talk had no affect on the baby that came out of me.


and's what Homer was up to in October!:)

homer's been sleeping with us since day one. Now we're working on transitioning him to his own crib. Some nights...awesome. Some nights...the opposite of awesome. It's a work in progress:)

his new favorite past time - eating puffs;)

these photos Courts took are amazing:)

we got to hang-out with my goddaughter, Brynn, not too long ago:) She spent an afternoon with us and walked with us to get the kiddo's from school! Homer loves hanging out with Brynn, being scared till he laughs by Brynn, being held by Brynn;)

notice that Homer is being all "I'm too cool to look at the camera...I just don't have the time...sigh";)

i'm so glad I got this hat in 2 different sizes. He's almost outgrown the small one and hopefully the larger size will fit him next Spring:) He gets SO many compliments on how handsome he looks in that hat!!

homer's first...and last mohawk! I'm not a lover of mohawks...on anything.


i love being able to be with Jacob AND Homer. It doesn't happen often enough. As I've mentioned in the past. We both work weekends. So that is hard. I sometimes work at night. Jacob can as well, if he's catering. SO yeah...we try to find the time when we can. 

on this occasion we had breakfast together. It's just a local Truck Stop but they always have great food and it's somewhere Jacob and I have gone for a while. We always get the same booth. The same booth that we sat down for breakfast in a few years back and had that conversation: we're gonna do this....foreverrrrrr. And 10 minutes after we decided to keep 'us' under wraps for a while...someone I went to High School with walked up to take our order. So much for our 'secret';)
We still see her when we go there now and we all laugh about that day:)

 doesn't Homer's face just say it all: that looks WAY better than a boob. Not fair.

now that I'm down to 24 hours a week - WHOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! We get to spend a lot of our mornings with Mal:) We usually try to walk there if the weather is nice and then we chill over a few cups of coffee. Homer seems to enjoy himself and Mal's company and Mal's hood strings:)

 my goddaughter, Lia, and Homer. I love this photo SOOOO so very much:)

homer and I didn't get to do as much swimming this year as we would have liked. We pick it back up in late January and we really need to get our asses in gear and BE THERE!!!:)

 we're hoping for realllll family photos around Thanksgiving!:)

homer likes to help. Laundry. Blogging;)

i'm thinking that amount of Homer should get you through the next month without too many withdrawals;)


  1. Love all the pictures! What a doll!

  2. Too damn funny! That kid needs to stop getting cuter or it may become a problem! Great pics though :)

  3. OMG could he get any cuter. The pics made me laugh on some of them. I love all the pictures!!!! ;) Gramma S.

  4. I legitimately can't even handle how cute he is!!! You know me, I'm loving all those open mouth ones!! :) Can't wait to see you all next week for Thanksgiving!

  5. omg, I can't believe I almost missed this post! Packed full of amazing Homer photos. You could practically make a photobook on this post alone :) Love it love it love it :)
