Friday, January 18, 2013

homer goodness:)

i'll keep my mouth slightly closed on this post because there a ton of photos for you to enjoy!

here's Homer's face in December!!!:)

the boy is aboutttt as photogenic as his mom! Poor kid;)

we've really been doing a lot with food in the last month! I've been making food for Homer with the Baby Bullet and he seems to really love it! We don't puree everything...I do boil some of the harder stuff for him and cut it into chunks but he really seems to love all those fresh fruits and veggies! He actually hasn't ate much more than a handful of jarred baby food, which I feel really good about - I should probably mention that he's we've probably ate my weight in Mac and Cheese though:/ - we can't be perfect ALL the time;)

but besides that, Homer has his meals with us. When I Jacob makes something, we just make sure to include something that Homer could eat. Something softer, smaller, etc. And life is soooooo much easier when Homer is eating on his own. Firstly, he enjoys picking up his own food and doing it on his own:) He's completely occupied and it's amazing how quickly we forgot what it was like to eat a meal...from start to's sooooo weird;)

 i've been told I can't put him in tighty-pants anymore:( Sad day! They are adorable!!!!;)

here's a little video of Homer eating a puff! As you can hear, I'm his biggest fan;)
And I'm shamelessly trying to get him to say 'mama';)

homer's not quite 22lbs. That's my guess, he has an appt. in February. But he is super sick of being strapped into the carry-car seat. SO we'll be investing in something like THIS very very soon:)

so December was another amazing month with this kid!!! I just can't believe how much he's grown. It doesn't hit me until I'm looking back through photos of when he first arrived and it seems like a life time ago. I can't remember him being anything other than the way he is RIGHT THIS SECOND! And I'm sure in a couple months I'll have forgotten that he was ever a 9 month old baby:(

oh. And he throws fits sometimes. Oh jeez. I think he has my emotional instability. This is...unfortunate;) Overallllllll, he's the happiest boy and we couldn't be luckier!:)


  1. Love the pictures with you and him! Jackson has been too heavy to carry in his carry along carseat so we have just left it in the car at all times since October! but he will also be getting a new refacing seat probably in February :)

    1. Ahh! What a porker! Luckily Homer is still pretty light. It's annoying carrying him around and he hates being put in it...but it'll do for now!:)

  2. love all of these. he's just too cute. not sure how you managed that ;)

    1. You're telling me!!!! Although, I'm pretty adorable my self;)

  3. I'm scared I'm going to sound stalker-ish if I keep telling you how freakin' adorable he is but I can't resist!!! :)

  4. I could seriously look at pictures of this kid all day, every day. He is so damn cute I can hardly stand it!!!!!


  6. I may be jealous of moms with single babies. What I wouldn't give to go somewhere ANYWHERE, just me and my baby. Maybe this summer?? Love all the pics. And thanks for the blog mention. Makes me think my blog isn't as lame as I feel it is!

    1. Oh man. Some days just ONE seems like too much to be hauling around! I can't blame you if you hardly ever leave the house with TWO!!!;) Summer will help! For sure! Especially when they can occupy themselves with snacks and such:) You're very welcome for the blog mention! I love reading yours and I feel like we're the same person sometimes. LOVE it! I always doubt whether I want to keep doing this and then just one comment/mention will drag me back to my senses! Keep it up!!!!:)
