Tuesday, June 25, 2013

my target.

i thought since everyone thinks Target's my 2nd Home anyways...I'd embrace that misconception;) If I think of it, from here on out, I'll snap some photos of the things I'm lusting over - or maybe even disliking;) - and post them here on the blog:) 

last night, my sister's and I and some of the kiddos, made a trip to Target. Unfortunately, this was more of a trip for 'essentials' than anything fun. Boo:( Overall...it was stressful. Every time I leave the house, headed for a small shopping trip, I think of how much fun it's going to be to go with Homer!! We're going to be that adorable little mom/son situation! Him saying Hi to randoms. Me looking perfectly put together - not sweaty with anger at my screaming child AT.ALL;).

when we arrive...all smiles. And then 10 minutes passes and he hates life. A child of the age of 13 months. Already hating life. For no good reason...unless you consider me not giving him my Starbucks a good reason. Or me refusing to pick up his empty milk container and giving it back to him after he angrily chucks it out of the cart for the 15th time. All good reasons to hate life to him, I'm sure;)

SIDE NOTE: is 13 months of age too early to diagnose bipolar;)??

sooooo. Over the last 2 months Jacob and I had used some credit cards for the first time in years. We have them 'in case of emergencies' and figured that having 2 mortgages qualified as that. SO we started using them. And then we got the sickness and went completely overboard. SO last week I gathered all our cards, paid them off entirely and locked them back in the safe deposit box and then quickly tried to forget where the key was:) It felt GOOD. Huge weight lifted.

not having those credit cards sure makes Target a whole new ball game again. I can't believe how much those cards changed my mentality in only 2 short months! I felt like I could get ANYTHING with those cards. Last night, without them...I shopped smart. Picked up a few things. Put them back. Added some things to the Wish List and took some photos (as I've done a million times in the past) of things I'd love to get and will store away for some rainy day money:) I won't lie, had I had those credit cards available...I added up at least $100 worth of things that I knowwwww I wouldn't have been able to resist!:/

leaving Target having not spent money I didn't have....felt good:)
leaving Target with a list a mile long of things I'm loving and know I can't have anytime in the foreseeable future...tormenting;/

on with it...what I saw, that I love:)

1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 

i'm currently trying to think of ways to make that new-to-us yellow couch work (remember the free one of the curb?...that'd be the one:). Jacob and I have both always wanted to get a huge, comfy sectional with a chaise - this is the one:). But we're budgeting for about $2,500 for something like that. COULD I live with the smaller yellow couch, especially if we were able to save $2,500 to put towards something else? Maybe if I were able to get some super cozy chairs and large ottoman and super soft rugs???

the items above just feel amazing to me. They were all super soft. Loving the Threshold Line and especially that a lot of it is organic. And I feel like the soft yellow and blue/gray/green all falls together so nicely:)
the photo below is my pathetic attempt at setting the room up to give you a little visual:) I actually just loved both chairs so I threw them in there but figured I'd go with one or the other, not both.

1 . 2 . 3 

and then there are just some things that I see and like and want for no damn reason;)

the totes caught my eye because I thought they'd be really handy for a future carry-on OR for our upcoming road-trip to Florida. Think easy packing or carry along to the beach.

the watch is just...loveable. It's all black. Which I love. I'm seriously considering saving pennies (actual pennies) until I'm able to afford that and hopefully by then it'll be on sale:)

1 . 2

so this is getting pretty lengthy...I guess you could say that Target was on the money last night cause everythinggggg was looking good to me:)

we haven't quite finished our dining room but we do have a large table - that we also got for free from Jacob's dad!:) We love it and it has a leaf so that we can make it bigger, which I plan to do. We are gonna shove 5 4 kiddos around that thing, don't cha' know;) But I need new chairs. The ones we have are...old and dumb. So there;) - see photo above.

i love the upholstered chairs and there were actually some - see below - on sale but I couldn't find them online. And the decorative sign might not be something I'd ever add to the dining room or kitchen, but it was too cute not to include:)


these hanging planters have been on my radar since seeing them on a fellow Instagramer's feed! Jacob and I decided, shortly after moving into our new house, that we wanted to put up some sort of fence on the North side of our property. These will be an adorable addition:) At only $3.99 each, I did pick up a few last night:)

so that's the deal folks! That's a trip to Target for me and yes...all of this goes through my head while I'm wandering through the store. And yes...had Homer not been with...I would have found that to be a ridiculously successful trip! Leaving with ideas and hopes and dreams and lists and a checking account still filled with some money AND an almost finished Starbucks drink IS a success!!!:)

a few random side notes:

- i'm hoping to sign up for the Target REDcard the next time I'm there and have the time. I'll be getting the Debit Card that is attached directly to your checking account. It is in NO way a Credit Card. 
With this card you get 5% off your purchases and free shipping when ordering online. I've also been told that you can donate 1% of your purchases to the school of your choice. As much as I do spend there, and I do spend a substantial amount of money there...these would be perks for me and would definitely buy our local High School an iPad or 2 a year;)

- my sister-in-law, over at High Hopes and Heartbreak, did some research on a new App called Cartwheel. She goes into detail over there about it but basically I thinkkkk you're able to find coupons through that app and save the ones you want to use and when you get to the store, they can scan those bar codes off your phone and you get additional savings! You can also use those coupons more than once before they expire!

happy shopping...or browsing:)

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