Friday, July 26, 2013

florida: i wore something free!!:)

we just returned home from an amazinggggg trip to Florida on Tuesday afternoon. It was soooo relaxing that I'm considering quitting my new job...that I start on Monday;) But apparently, if I want to continue taking amazing trips like that...I'll need to keep a job...for a while;)

before I bombard you with an insane amount of Florida photos...I'll do a teeny post (which ended up getting wordy...soooo sorry;) on my outfit for the wedding we attended while there! Because I wanted to avoid Target and spending (who am I?!?!;) I dug through the closet and was able to put together something I already owned. Not shocking because my closet looks like:

i probably should have prepared you mentally for that;) MORE to come on our 'closet situation' in the coming weeks:)

POINT: i think I succeeded in putting together a pretty cute outfit for ZERO dolla'z. Thank you. Thank you;)

TOP: old old old - similar

BOTTOM: purchase from a few months back - P.S. i Adore You (nothing similar currently on the site:/ - I think most things are a one-time deal and a lot of the proceeds to go a worthy cause..totally worth it:) - similar

FEET: Goodwill find for $2 - similar (and if you're looking to get rid of that silver...yes?!...check out Sunnylit Style for a 'how to' on painting that yourself!!:)

also. While on that amazing vacation to son made me cry for the first time. I mean...he's made my cry before but it involved his head hitting my nose...VERY hard;). Arg. But this was a bit different. Only took him 14-1/2 months to I think it was a combination of a lot of things: being on vacation without my husband. not having that other person to give you a break...FOR 6 DAYS. a child that hated all of these things at least twice every day: heat, walking, being held, crawling, milk, sippy cups, life;)

it wasn't the kind of thing that makes me reconsider the number of kids I want. Nope. Still want more kids. ASAP. But it was defeating. I think sometimes you get this idea/vision in your head. We'll get all packed up. Get in a van and he'll go to sleep for the 18 hour road trip. When he meets family and friends for the first time he'll be adorable and cute. And he'll just love every minute of every day. And I'll be holding him and we'll be giving kisses and hugs. Just skipping all around Florida in our perfect little beach outfits and looking refreshed...and not sweaty and;) And then shit doesn't go down like that and you just feel like you're failing. Am I doing this right? Why is he throwing so many fits? Am I allowing this? Have I created a monster? Can I not handle him? Does me crying mean I'm weak...out of control...a shitty mom?!?! But I don't think it does. I mostly think it just means that he needs a sibling;)

but he definitely didn't 'ruin' the trip. He had his moments...and all those moments added together, ended in me shedding a few tears on the phone to Jacob and Jacob apologizing for making him that way (sweet of him to take full credit for our son's attitude;)
But we really did have a great time and there were so many things that Homer did love while in Florida: road tripping with his cousins!! the beach and the ocean. sleeping in a hotel room. dancing. junk foodddddd. being carried everywhere:)

and he managed not to poop, pee or vomit on my cute outfit. And for that...I'll let him live to see another day;)

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