Wednesday, December 17, 2014

some things that i thought.

hey yo. Let's be happy and not super unhappy and have a pot fall on your head from the top shelf. Goshhhhhh Damn ittttttt!!!

there are days I get out of bed and stub my toe and think...hey...not gonna let it get me down. THAT was NOT a LARGE deal. Nope. Smile harder:) And then Homer says Butthole 20 times. And Theo screams if I'm not cuddling her. While standing. On one foot. Lightly swaying. I SAID LIGHTLY!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! And then my husband comes home - gosh darn him, I love him and when he pulls up I feel like things will just turn right around - and then he manages to drop a pot on my head. A.Pot. - bad word. bad word.

so the point of all this is...


i think you must have saw that coming;)

in other news:

i've been wanting to find some black MATTE finger nail polish. Apparently, it's the top coat that gives the matte effect? Or at least that's what I've discovered!? It does it's job. I like it. Uh lot.

and here are my mom, Homer and I out doing some walking about this last summer - Theo was strapped in the stroller screaming cause well, the one foot/swaying lightly thing;)
Oh, how I miss the warm days:)

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