Wednesday, November 18, 2015

hi, Rocky:)

so baby BOY - how shocked are you????!?!? I mean...for REAL. I could have bet my life - thankfully I didn't - that this little guy was gonna be a girl! I think that says a lot about my internal instinct/voice or lack there of;) SO baby boy is snoozing and I'm doing a quick post and eating 2 cookies and contemplating a bowl of Chop Suey at 10AM, so I'd say I'm prettttyyyyy much back to my old self;)
Which is WAY better than the self I've been for the last 2 days!!:/
I woke up on Monday morning feeling awful. Miserable:( Fever held strong at about 102, sometimes over 103, for almost 48hrs with aches, lower abdominal pain, chills/sweats and a massive headache. After starting a strong antibiotic yesterday, I woke up feeling much more myself. Thank the lord. Definitely wasn't the way I was hoping to spend the first part of our time at home. 

but now that that's behind us, I can begin to enjoy this quiet week home with Rocky. I lined up a sitter for the other 2 kiddos for the week, best.decision.ever. And so I'm finally ready to just sit back and relax and do small things around the house and more of that relaxinggggg;)

SO...I had a baby. Ready to hear about that???

i'll try to keep this quick because I gots a ridiculously adorable baby who's not fussing at all but obviously needs me to cuddle him;)

rocky teased us with a possible arrival for at least a week. I was due on Monday, Nov. 9th and I had Braxton Hicks and Contractions steady every day for almost a freaking week!!! I was starting to become so miserable with the back and forth: he's comingggggg, nope. this is ITTTTT, no it's not. something's Happpenninnnnggggg, negative. 

so when I woke up with those similar contractions on Thursday, Nov. 12th...I tried not to think too much of it. By 630PM we decided that maybe we should head down. Theo came within 3-1/2 hours of getting to the hospital and we didn't want to push our luck but I still didn't feel like I was in enough pain to go in quite yet. We still had my niece, Lia, come over and sit with the kids - my sister came from work a little while later - and Jacob and I headed to the hospital at about 730PM. On the way down I still felt like we were going too early SO we decided to stop at Target and get some Starbucks and wander around a bit - this might be my new favorite tradition;).  
It only took about 20min. - 3min. after we snapped the selfie below;) - that I felt like we may have waited too long!!! I was having some pretty strong contractions and Jacob suggested that I go to the jeep while he checked out but I insisted I needed to use my Red-Debit-Card because...5 PERCENT!!!;)

we got to the Hospital and I was able to walk to the Birthing Center and we were all hooked up at 9PM. 

at 930PM I was 5cm. I declined the epidural at this point...ONLY because I still didn't feel like I was in enough pain and when I get the epidural I like to be in the kind of pain that makes you NOT care that they're about to stick a 5" needle into your back. Ya know?

at 950PM I was 6cm. I requested the epidural. I'm a hard-ass, right?;)

the anesthesiologist moseyed in around 1020PM and they insisted on rechecking me because I was in an extreme amount of pain. I was 9cm. From a 5 to a 9 in less than a damn hour!! I needed to start pushing.

2 contractions and 3 pushes and some of the most intense pain of my life later....our Rocky Peyton Smith joined us at 1045PM:)

with everything that's been going on the last few days, me not feeling well and the whirl wind that can sometimes be having a baby...and just how fast he got here - we were at the hospital for less than 2 hours before he arrived - I don't feel like I really got the chance to take it all in. Maybe my inability to type this without sobbing is an indication that I haven't had all the feelings about this yet;')

we're just so so happy. He's perfect. Like...beyond. Homer and Theo are loving up on him hard. And as it's happened twice before...the minute they put him in our arms...everything made sense. It didn't seem too soon, Theo didn't seem too young, I didn't not feel ready. It was just right:)

The Smith's. jacob, casey, homer, theo AND rocky:)

and now that I'm feeling healthy again...I will be drowning you in Rocky photos and updates here and've been warned;):)

that ride home. him. my fav hospital memento - THE water jug;)

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