Sunday, October 9, 2011

bus ride to pretty land:)

yesterday we loaded up on a bus...about 10 of us total....which was SO nice! Space!!!! And we made the 8hr journey to Seville. I knew right away that I was going to love Seville. And as of Day 2, I'm still in love. Although, we haven't left our hotel room yet today. Oops:)

UP jacob and I on the bus. We assumed it would suck but it was actually a really relaxing day:)

UP the view if you step out of our hotel and look to your right. The tiny pathway leading to a million others:)

UP after walking or a little bit last night...looking for food (scavengers;)...we just walked out into an open/common area and this is what we saw. Pretty unbelievable to not know it's there and then to just walk right into it!

PS. let me know if you're unable to open these videos! I want to make sure they're working!!!:)

still looking for food...

UP and we found it. Here we tried Tapas for the first time. VERY good and we're very excited about how inexpensive it was. Still going to do some grocery shopping today - cause this lady is pretty much hungry 24/7 (shiat) but these tapas are a great alternative and won't leave us completely broke!!!

after dinner...and MORE ice cream.'s SO freaking good! I crave it ALL.THE.TIME!!! We headed back to our hotel. We were unable to Skype with Family last night (grrrrr!!!!) but hopefully tonight.
And then we were up way too late watching shows on the laptop because nothing on the TV in our room comes in English. Shiat...again!

now...after sleeping in till the point of back pain...we're off to see more Seville:)!!

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