Friday, October 7, 2011

late night snacks:)

after all our walking today, we decided on desert out on the town:) It was between that or more pizza...and now I'm hungry again;)

UP i had a teeny glass of wine, that I wasn't even able to finish cause it was SO potent. Boo:( BUT it was great to have a quick reunion with one of my most favorite friends...Wine:)

UP and again Jacob with the camera. Am I grateful that he's catching some things on film...YES. My motto IS 'it's all about the memories'...but I would love to be aware that he's taping ME. Dork;)

another great night to add to the books. We're nervous and excited to see what Seville holds. Lisbon has been amazing but I think it can be topped!!! (THINK;). Lisbon is quite a large city and from being here only a few short days...we've already decided that we're excited to get a taste of a smaller city/town. We like the hussle and bussle but getting offered weed/hash/coke 8 times while sitting at that small table eating the same 4 dudes. I mean...COME ON....nope, didn't want weed from your bare hands 3 minutes ago. STILL GOOD!.
I'd like to visit a city with a goat or sheep that walks by our table 8 times. THAT I think I would enjoy;)

and a's where we are headed: Hotel Alcantara
We should arrive at 530PM tomorrow - about 930AM your time:)

until then!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How long will you be here!?! have I mentioned how jealous we okay...
