Wednesday, December 28, 2011

week 21:)

we're really starting to fly now. Less than 20 weeks until this little guy comes roaring into our lives...OR maybe I should say...

comes PEACEFULLY into our lives...:)

it's really getting exciting. Jacob felt the baby move for the first time on Christmas Night. This was really fun. The baby has really started moving a lot more in the last week and this is the fun time...I'm trying to enjoy the smaller movements because I'm sure kicking my ribs and bladder will not always put a smile on my face:)

every day really does get us more and more excited!!!! I know that I don't really know what this baby has in store for us but each day brings more confidence in our ability to do this and maybe even be a littleeeee good at it?!:)

we're feeling more and more confident about the names we have for the baby and are sure that when the baby gets here...he or she will help make that final decision for us:)

we still haven't started on the baby room but have collected a few items for it - as mentioned in previous posts. We hope to start work on the room in just a few shorts weeks.

we HAVE set a date for the baby shower and started some planning for that. I'm SO happy and excited to celebrate this baby with my good friends and family:)

and now...the details:

UP i heart my little furry hand gloves:) Thanks mom:)

due date: may 10, 2012:)

boy or girl: jacob mentioned on Christmas Eve that he has a feeling it's a girl...He also mentioned that he fears he's 'screwed' just like my dad (who had 4 girls;).
And by 'screwed', I'm sure he meant 'luckiest man alive to have 4 such amazing girls';)

names: Otto came off this week...Otto Smith...doesn't that just sound odd?!:)
We did add another boy name that we like.
Reif was also suggested but not added. Cute but makes me feel that our child will inevitably become popular because of his ability to supply marijuana for all his friends...reeeeeferrrrr anyone;)

belly: while trying and not succeeding to get a dress over my head the other day...I saw myself struggling in the mirror. There was only a massive belly staring back at me...laughing back at me to be exact;)
I think I'm going to get bigger and this did not occur to me. Hmmm.

NOTE TO SELF: find that belly band ASAP.

nausea: so my belly button is not the same belly button I used to know. What does this have to do with nausea?
It makes me want to puke.

stretch markssss: no new ones that I can see but again, the old ones seem to be looking more obvious. Unavoidable, so I'm not really too worried about such things:)

weight: umm...a subject that is, some days...a sore one.
I haven't weighed myself for a while least 2 weeks!? And with the Holiday's...I'm thankful there hasn't been a scale near me. LOTS of snacking.
I fear I've broken some records but I've been getting a lot of positive feedback about how good I look...thank you very much:)
AND I had to push back my next appt. that was scheduled on 1/3, to 1/12. I'm thankful to have the extra time to let my body...settle...before another huge weigh-in.

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN (so far): ? could be as much as 17lbs...maybe more. The books all encourage a maximum weight gain at 15lbs. I think they can go to helllll;)

touch: there's been touching. But sometimes I'm just okay with it. not so much okay with it one bit:)

wardrobe: my pickle is skinny jeans. Are they good for my bod...or terrible?! I'm not sure they're a good idea anymore but I keep going back to them.

baby buys: the only thing of recent that I've purchased relating to the baby is something for the Baby Shower Invites. So not tooooo exciting or fun but they're cute:)

we did get a few adorable things for Christmas from my mom and Jacob's mom:

UP my mom got us some freaking perfect little hippo shoes/slip-ons. I loveeeee them. She also got a bunch of books for the little library we're trying to put together for the little one. All great things:)

UP most of you know I find Clowns quite...disturbing. Hmmm.
Jacob's mom got us this one for the baby. And I have decided to let it live in our home...but anything weird happens...the clown will be blamed and then destroyed;)

UP i got my booties in the mail. A teeny Christmas gift to me-self:) Nottttt sure I'm lovin' them with skinny jeans yet but they look adorable with dresses. I'll get back to you as soon as I have proof of that:)

thanks mother, for the pretty pretty photos:) Courts was busy busy busyyyyy with work again and I was too impatient to wait for her.


  1. the thought of you ankle deep in a dressing room atttempting to finagle a dress over your head makes me laugh. and then laugh again. you have *no* ideaaaaa what's going to happen to your body in the next 19 weeks. NO. IDEA. get ready to have your mind BLOWN. ;)

  2. yup... Court's is right... and Just ask Brittany if you don't believe it ;) heehee.. LOVE those hippos slippers and gloves by the way :)
