Sunday, January 8, 2012

january specials:)

even without this text, it'd be impossible to forget:

"who's b-day could it be. let me think. Thinking, stilling thinking, something starting to come to me, thinking little more. o wait. Me and Scheel's gift cards come to mind"

yep. January 6th marks a special day! My Dad's BIRTHDAY!!!!

i could say a lot of things to describe him (hilarious. inappropriate. ridiculous. funnnnnyyyy. beyond hardworking. giving. playful. fun. smart. surprising.)...but he is really just the best. The best grandpa, the best dad and above and beyond the best at anything he does and I couldn't feel luckier or prouder to have him. A great great dad:)

and then there is January 8th...which marks 5 months with another wonderful man in my life. How is it that one girl got so lucky to find so much awesomeness?!:)

Random Tidbit: our baby is due right around our 7 month Wedding Anniversary. Eeeeekkk:)


  1. how exciting! All these dates! Happy Bday to your Dad and love that last photo of you guys too!

  2. we wanted him to text... we asked for it :)

  3. Just laughed out loud at that picture of your dad, too funny, very nice pictures!!!

  4. I love your dad! He is a wonderful man!
