Saturday, February 18, 2012

daily happenings:)

SO much has been going on...or so I feel like there has been. OR maybe I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with a whole lot of nothing at the moment.

yes. A good cry may be in order;)

and bringing it all togetherrrrrrrr;) Here's what we've been doing...

one big thing you may have noticed was the change in Blog Title...or the name of my Blog. It's been a long time coming...this change. I started 'I Heart My Wedding' in July of...2008!? I THINK?! And it was a wonderful way to share our wedding experience with family and close friends. 

after the wedding I considered just closing down shop all together but with the support of those that do read the blog...and a baby on the way...I ended up being really glad I kept it up:)

SO...the story behind the name. Not too hard to explain:)

the smiths. - that is US...our shared last name:)
hug it out.  - a little saying that we love. Sometimes a hug is needed and you just need to stop...and hug:) 
**we also have this tattoo on our sides...eventually, I hope to have Courts get a photo of us together with our tattoos**

more changes in design may come eventually...but for now...I think this is working for me:)


Craft Night is becoming a HIT. And I think with each Craft Night, our Crafts are actually improving!! YAY for us!!

on this particular craft night, we made little favors for our Baby Shower (21 days:) and more details to come on what we made...trying to keep it a bit of a surprise:) and the kiddo's made little Valentine's for their friends!



we're still going strong with our swimming! We go twice a week for Water Aerobics (mom and I) and Courts comes to swim laps and the kids switch off and on coming to just play. I think Tayt has the biggest smile on his night to join us;)


and of course...what post would be complete without Lukey in a hate that's WAY to small for him? Look at those freaking ears?!:) 

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