Tuesday, February 21, 2012

week 29:)

we're just over 29 weeks! My god. It hardly seems possible. I was just telling my sister, Courts, today that as scary as the thought of how this baby is going to get here and then actually HAVING a baby...and keeping it and it coming home with us IS...we're very excited. 
I'm clinging to the little things that will be surrounding our baby's birth. Like:

- telling our family we're heading down to HAVE our baby:)

- even more so, telling them that the baby is HERE and we're ready for visitors!!!

- having those visitors come and bring me things;) I kid...kinda;) BUT I know my sisters and mom have gone through this process a few times;) And they know that ANY hospital stay for the birth of a baby in our family includes a Caramel Frappy from Starbucks and Taco Bell. That's just a given:)
I'm pretty much pumped to be the one receiving the TB and Frappy this time!

- jacob deciding that he's going to take the week off after the baby comes to be home with us! It's only a week and I'd give anything for it to be longer. But I'll take it and I'm very excited for that week together, no matter how tiring, dirty or stressful and happy and lazy it may be;)

again. Nothing new to report this week. The baby is moving as always:) I'm feeling great. The only difference being that I've really become exhausted in the last week or so. I have been working some odd hours at work and I've been feeling a bit stressed about the baby room getting done before our Baby Shower in just a few short weeks. SO maybe that, combined, is draining me. BUT I'm trying not to feel guilty when I do catch some extra z's. I'm told sleep is hard to come by when a baby is here...so I'm trying to take advantage now:)

on to the details!

due date
may 10, 2012:)

boy or girl
i had a VERY detailed dream...which included me getting a c-section:( BUT in this dream we 
had a girl! I'm feeling strongly that there's a girl in me!:)

okay...we're trying to stay with the 1lb. per week weight gain situation. I weighed myself yesterday and it seems I've been able to stay within those guidelines! YAY!!!! But I still have one more week till my next appointment!
GOAL: to be no more than 173lbs. at next weeks appointment! That's a hefty goal and I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN (so far): 31lbs.

UP still doing my water aerobics twice a week. Which I still LOVE:) Here I am at my first class - 24wks (Left) and 29wks (Right)

things in my closet are still working out but I'm getting to the point where I just want to be COMFORTABLE. I can't stand my belly being pinched or tight pants or undies digging into my sides. Sooooo...at times, I'll admit, I'm not dressed for success;)

baby buys
we've gone a full week with NO baby buys. That may be changing seeing as I have a trip to 
the Cities scheduled for Friday:)
AND I scheduled an appointment to get my hair done in early March. It.Is.Needed!! 
As great as I've been feeling...some days you just don't feel...super pretty;) SO I'm really excited to do this for myself:)

how to make gif

how to make gif

until next week....when we'll be 30 weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to blog with a blown mind;)

1 comment:

  1. lookin' good! I love your sweater wrap/shawl. you look like a freakin' model in the front facing shot ;)
