Tuesday, March 13, 2012

week 32:)

here we are at 32 weeks!!!! The Baby Shower is behind us. As is the prepping of the Baby Room!:) YAY! I feel like I can finally breath again. Things have been a bit stressful. For me. And only me;) Jacob and stress have never met...until there was me;). And believe me...he's aware of my 'stress'!!

sunday, after the baby shower was over and the dust had settled...there was crying. I'd love to say that it's all fun and games, ALL the time. But there are moments where the 'baby thing' gets a bit overwhelming. It's LIFE CHANGING. And now that it's getting closer to actually happening...I worry about the baby's health and everything turning out okay. That's really the main thing. The baby being...okay:)

so I think Jacob may have smiled at me wrong at some point on Sunday or I didn't quite like his tone when he was, very sincerely, telling me that he loved me...and all hell broke loose;)
But it's all good now. Sometimes a seriously ugly cry is all it takes to get me back on track! And that I am:)

besides all thattttttt...I'm feeling fantastic! For real. Really great. A lot of positive things have happened over the last few days, like:
- getting the baby room and house back in order
- talking with my, very pro-breastfeeding, boss and getting tips from her on pumping at work and all that good stuff:) VERY relieved to be getting support in that area because I will be going back to work after only 6wks off and I know the transition won't be super easy:(
- getting my work schedule worked out in my favor after I return from my maternity leave. I'm able to cut some hours and be home more. It's a very minimal cut but one that I'm MORE than happy about:)

and we've gotten some really good advice about taking some time for us!!! Thanks Jenna (she's awesome here and here:). I was definitely all for Jacob and I making time for ourselves now, while we can. But a reminder was surely in order. SO we are making plans to make sure we get in a movie and dinner and celebrate my upcoming birthday together...alone. And give our minds a break from what's to come:)

due date
may 10, 2012:)

and I'm officially off the work schedule as of May 13th. Holy Moley:)

boy or girl
we started our baby pool - which I don't have in front of me...but there were quite a few girl guesses on there. 

AND I sent out a daily email to the BFF this morning - Subject Line: Love Nugget - and then she texted me this morning, prior to receiving that email, to tell me that she had a dream we had a girl and named it...NUGGET.
Coincidence?! I think not;)

weighed myself at mom's the other day and it's still around 170lbs. SO if that's accurate...I still haven't gained any weight since my last appt. I'm confused. BUT at the same time...my eating habits have not been wonderful. I've been waking up not feeling super amazing and then sometimes I'm just not reallyyyyyy hungry throughout the day...so my eating has been pretty inconsistent. 

example: it is 644PM and the only thing, besides water and Gatorade, that I've had today...5 panacakes...at 1145AM. (yes...not panCAKES. PanAcakes;) And yes. I said 5. They were medium sized;)
there was a long meeting at work this morning and I only worked 4hrs. and time got away from me and then I...accidentally;)...slept from 1-5PM and now I'm back at work...so yeah...the day kinda got away from me. SO trying to get on track:)

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN (so far): 31lbs-ish?!

UP check out my red arm. ITCHING is out of control - as is my self control. 
Not cause I'm stretching - although, I sure I am - but I guess it's common for some women to get this rash or whatever, at this point in the pregnancy. It's not been fun and we'll see if it lets up before my appt. next week!

well....it was bound to happen. My place of employment finally took away Jeans...again. Seriously have bad words for them running through my head. I think they see a smile on an employee's face and then dedicate the rest of the day to figuring out why they were happy and then they send out an email taking that happy away. 
Today...anotherrrrrrr piece of my, ever fading, love for my place of employment...D.I.E.D.

if they want the monster in me to come out...it's on. And that monster is going to come out in the form of tighty pants. EVERY.DAY.;)

baby buys
we're taking a bit of a break from baby buying since the showers all went down last week. BUT we have a tiny list going of things we'll need to pick up in the next 8 weeks:
- baby bath
- baby gate
- high chair
all of which are relatively inexpensive:)

and now I'm starving;)


  1. Beautiful....you and the photos! Great job Courts! :)

  2. No rush on the high chair, you probably won't need it until baby is six months old or so.. Ingrid just started chillin in hers about a week ago! Probably have at least 4 months on the baby gate as well.. and Amelia always hated her baby bath, we just started bathing WITH her (bath, shower, whatever) when she was like a week old. Look at me, blowin up your 'to do' list ;)

    1. Very good call!!!:) Love that it just got blown up. PHEW!!!

    2. I agree... there are more fun things like adorable clothes and beanies and toys that can be bought instead of those boring things ;)

  3. I'm not a mama, but I'd agree! Also, "If they want the monster in me to come out...it's on. And that monster is going to come out in the form of tighty pants. EVERY.DAY.;)" Best quote of this entry. :)

  4. Casey, you look GREAT!! And it never fails, your post always make me smile. Thank you for that!!!
