Thursday, May 10, 2012

for the first time:)

he went outside for the first time today. Ever.

is it okay that all these things are going to blow my mind daily?! And with mind blown situations, like these...comes tears. Lots of those have been happening as I think about all these first he's having already:')

PS. the above photo is right outside the Hospital doors and it took us aboutttttt 30 minutes to get to the car because we were stopped by so many strangers to look at Homer and tell us how cute he is and ask all those questions people ask you about your new, cute baby:)
I guess we'll have to get used to this...we were cursed with a beautiful baby;)

okay. Come on now. I should be sleeping (Mal's going to have my ass cause she just texted me to get my ass to bed and I promised her I'd get right on that - it's now 1253AM;). BUT between staring at Homer sleep and staring at photos of my husband with Homer...and then having to clean my hot mess of a face up after crying for 10 minutes...who has time for sleep!?;)
It's a vicious cycle:)

seriously though. This is one proud daddy and I have no words for what this does to my insides:) Jacob is the best thing to ever happen to me and he claims I am the best that's happened to him (silly:) and now we have the best of both of us in Homer:)

i found the song below and thought it suited our little family of 3. Take a listen:)

and oh my lord. When we got home...there was an adorable sign outside that Friend made us! SUCH a perfect homecoming! Are you dying over that sign!? HOMiE!? We've kinda been calling Homer all sorts of things...Homer. Homie. Jacob's taken a liking to Home-boy. Luke loves Smurf. SO really...whatever:)

and then inside we see the kiddos also put together a homecoming sign with their signatures and some balloons:) It was the best way to bring Homer into his new home:)


i'll leave you with a little photo of Homer sleeping...which is what I'm going to attempt in a few short minutes. PROMISE:):)

i just wanted to take the time to say that we love all your comments on the blog and Facebook and the texts and emails and visits and food and cards and presents. SERIOUSLY. We could not feel more lucky...lucky to have one have Homer in our lives now and to have such amazing family and friends to be there to answer my texts at midnight about Homer spitting up. OR my texts at noon regarding my poo (thanks for being there Karey...and yes...that conversation means we are friends 4 eva now;).
And the offers to help with him or just hold him while I sleep:)

POINT: i'm sorry if I haven't gotten to respond to all of you...or any of you. Arg. BUT I'm trying really hard not to feel like I'm missing something by not checking my phone or email or being on the Internet. Just trying to concentrate on staring at Homer's face all day long:)

but know that we're so happy and a huge part of that is thanks to you guys:)

jacob, casey and homer:)


  1. Beautiful post Casey, we are all so happy for you guys! Love you! And thank you for another beautiful grand baby, he's absolutely perfect!

    1.'re very welcome mother;) I love you too and you and dad are FULLY responsible for my excitement for Homer. I can't wait to give him what we got...lots of love, laughs and fun:):)

  2. I LOVE that you took a photo as you're walking out the hospital :) Seriously. :) And how freakin' sweet about the banner's and all the welcome home stuff. :) heart warming all-around :)
    and not sure what it is - but I swear Jacob looks taller/older/handsomer in that photo? Fatherhood looks good on him :)

    1. I totallyyyyyyy agree! Being a gave my already amazing husband, 5 additional hot points;)

  3. this post got me to begin with and then the comments... ladies, you're messing with my emotions! I completely agree on all of it :) parenthood suits you BOTH well!
