Tuesday, December 11, 2012

there's a 2 year old rowdy?!

it's difficult for me to remember Drew as anything BUT what she is now: Rowdy.

she got the nickname of Rowdy last year on our MOA trip. It just came to me and boy is it a perfect fit for her:) She is the 6th of Court and Dave's 7 kiddos. And she has not just blended in. Anything but!! I love that prior to each baby getting here...we sit and wonder how they'll ever leave a mark or hold their own. And somehow...each one has pleasantly surprised us. 

rowdy. You are a mini version of your mother. If you, at 2 years old, showed up at one of our houses with the Burb' and a bottle of wine...we'd probably shoot the shit with you for an hour before realizing you weren't your mom;)

happy birthday to ANOTHER beautiful Smith Baby:)

had to add this one cause does she EVER look like Baby Meg?!?! Wow:)

the above photo really suits her personality. Some converses and amazing pants. At 2, she's already figured out 'cool'. 

Happy 2nd Birthday Drew-baby:) 
always be your Rowdy self:):)


  1. Great photos!! I was just looking back through photos of her as a baby and also thought there was a lot of Meg resemblance! In a couple of these pics, I see some of the other kids too. Funny how you don't notice it at the time, but looking back, you can really see many of the same features in all of them! Happy birthday, Drew!!!

  2. awesome pics Casey. I can't believe she's already 2. it was a great night to celebrate. love the cake she picked out. Mama S

  3. she's the BEST freaking Rowdy ever. even as she's sitting here rubbing her cheesy ass face all over my arm. ROWDY!
