Monday, January 4, 2016


some thoughts...on things...I'd like to see happen in 2016:)

get on a damn schedule!
we've been adjusting to having a baby back in our bed and up late at night and sometimes early in the morning and a few times throughout the night...but I need to get back to waking-up before the kids wake up!
Nothing feels better than having dishes done and laundry going and the day planned and coffee hot before 830AM:) 

health/fitness/be semi-okay at yoga
stop eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's at 1127 in the afternoon anddddd 1127 in the night;)
And just having had a baby 8 weeks ago...this is the perfect time to start getting back to running and trying to start a-new:)

continue reading
our monthly reading club is still going strong! 
My pick for January is: Mindy Kaling. Why Not Me?
And also to take time to read to the kiddos EVERY NIGHT. That's something we've definitely been slacking on and goes hand-in-hand with that pesky (see: shitty) schedule we're currently on;)

spend MUCH less. Want less.
try this capsule wardrobe thing cause we allllll know that I have too much shit and I leave the house in one of 3 shirts every damn time. Or yoga pants all the other damn times:/
SO that's the specific item I need to want less: clothing/shoes/bags, etc.
But I need to just work on being happy with what we have. Not worry about the kitchen not being done. Not spend every last dime we have this week on thin white frames to create a gallery wall around the TV in the living-room - for example;)

 finding balance between being happy with things as they are and still feeling okay about 'wanting more' for us and our family, is something I'm hoping to work on this year. And not wanting more: material things (like a new coat or shiny new kitchen) but wanting more time together, Date Days, adventures and travel!!!

purchase new yoga pants
i spend a stupid amount of time (happy time;) in black-tighty-pants. This year I'd like to invest in a new 'work-out/walking/loungey' wardrobe!

lets get rid of some debt
my biggest goal this year is to sell a damn house. Our 2nd mortgage needs to go and could help change a lot for us, financially! We are sooooo so close to being Debt-Free and tax returns + selling that house could finally get us there!

purchase THIS amazing van. My spirit van.

i know you're chuckling...wondering if this bitch is serious...I'm d.e.a.d  serious!!!;) This van is like $900. $900 over our budget. BUT this is where we're at in our lives...and I'm totally okay with that:)

cook. Make some meals.

drop everything and go to _____.
the beach, back yard, splash pad/pool, garden, flea/farmer's market, free zoo. 
Find inexpensive/free activities to do this summer!!!:)

and there you have it! I'm sometimes in disbelief of the last few years! We've been a pretty busy, honeymoon, baby, baby, babyyyyy. And here we are, in 2016!!!

a few things that I'm looking forward to in this coming year:
I turn 33, 3/23
Theo turns 2, 3/30
Homer turns 4, 5/8
Jacob turns 33, 7/24 
Rocky turns 1, 11/12
Hopefully, selling our rental property and just making good decisions financially, overall!:)
Dells Weekend, 1/22
Oregon 9/20
hoping to add some small trips in-between!!:)

i believe 2016 is going to be very good to us:)

"of this be sure: you do not find the happy life, you make it." 
- Thomas S. Monson

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