Thursday, January 1, 2015

be the 8%:)

"a year from now you will wish you had started today" - Karen Lamb

okay people. Here it is. My goals for family...for 2015!

as I've said in the past. I like making lists in general, so this isn't a do or die list. It's just me taking too much time to set-up text - mostly finding cute fonts;) - in PhotoShop:)

i will say that this year feels really different to me. I want it to be special. I want to make a LOT of this happen and enjoy our year and just...stay positive and not stress out and just be happy:) And all the things on this list...they're SO doable. All within my control.

hi. My name's Casey and I have no self-control. I'm irrational when hungry, tired or sad. And am very emotional...about everything. - so basically, my husband's worst nightmare;)

2015 should be a blast;)

daily routine: not all of this needs to happen everyday but I know that I feel my best when I get a workout in and get out of bed before the kids do. And I want to stay motivated to get out of the house. I want to get those pesky chores done before the kids get up so that we can be outside when the weather's nice and hitting up Story Time at the Library or taking a drive to the Free Zoo:)

food: I remember this oneeeee time in 2014, where I made dinner and it was all ready before Jacob got home from work and you should have seen the look on his face when he got home and realized he didn't have to doooo anything. Just sit and eat.
I know Jacob loves to cook. For real, he does. BUT I need to make his face look that way more often:)

home: Jacob and I have decided that we need/want to sell our rental property - know of anyone looking for a cute little house, see HERE. For where we are financially and where we want to be in the next year or so...this house just doesn't fit our plan. I would LOVE to hang on to it for the long haul but unfortunately, the house is only holding us back from doing the things we really want to be doing right now.

*crap...spelled penmAnship incorrectly. Forgive me for not going back and correcting that;)

for me: If 2014 has taught me's to ask for help. To take a break. Being home - practically full-time - with 2 kids, is a LOT of freaking work! BUT the best work I've ever done:) Like I mentioned, I joined a gym, which has been amazing. My sister and I also opened a little shop called, Shop Fair Haven, to sell our lightly/awesome used clothing, shoes, and accessories. It's definitely been paying off and we've made a bit of money to put away for a rainy/shopping day:) 
Even with all that...I'd like to do more. Improve on some things and add some new skills. My mom and I are even talking about maybeeeee creating a few things and maybe going to a couple Craft Fairs this summer!:)

my goals seem to be pretty familiar from year to year...which probably isn't a good thing...does that mean I haven't crossed anything off the list? Or accomplished what I set out to do? Not entirely. I feel like I've met a lot of goals...some all the way...some only a wee bit...a lot, not at all:)

LIKE my goal to expand our family. Have you met Theo Daisy!?!?;):) 

and I reallyyyyy wanted to run a mile. I'm currently able to run 1.25 miles on the treadmill at our local gym...which I am a member. Boom. 

i wanted to get us 'Debt-Free' - which to us means NO debt, except for our mortgages. At this point we've reached Step1 in saving our Emergency Fund and cutting up all credit cards - we were lucky enough not to start with more than a few hundred dollars on our credit cards but it feels good (and frightening:/) to not be able to rely on those anymore. BUT - full disclosure, in hopes that putting it out there will help me hold myself accountable - we do have a few larger loans and those payments add up and so that's our goal for the next year or more:)

SIDE NOTE does anyone else want to shop the most they've ever wanted to shop in their lives?! EVER!???;)

below is a short video with pointers on how to stay the course!!:)

happy, happy New Year to you all:) I hope you were able to celebrate/welcome the New Year in your own special way last night! Jacob and I spent some time with family and then home to get the kids to bed and watch movies:) It was very low key but very nice...until 1AM when the kids decided to get up in 40 minute shifts through 5AM:/ I had to work at 6AM...little rascals;)


2014 Goals - HERE
2013 Goals - HERE

PS. just so you know...I almost went back and deleted ALL of this ramble because I was exhausted of my own mouth by the end of the day. BUT. Gonna leave it and lose no sleep wondering if anyone read it:)

and a couple photos below of our New Years...cause photos are more fun than life goals:)

the babies manning the drink station:) 

celebrating Tayt's birthday!! 8 on 12/31:)

Telephone Pictionary is my new fav game. Ever:) Thanks for bringing this into my life, Friend:)

my favorites in the world! I may not reach all my goals but they're the reason I'm going to give it my all:)

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