Wednesday, December 8, 2010

me daily plus a hole.

okay...just a few quick things...I love that brown and black are one in the same. I was told that by my VERY fashionable/worldly/beautiful/intelligent aunt, Vicki, from Chicago:) And she told me that 10 years ago while I was there visiting. Even then, when I thought black and brown were worst enemies...she knew better!

pants - Levis
feet - Aldo, no longer on the site:( Just a great boot to have (thanks Neen:). At the moment I have a 15% Off Coupon and chomping at the bit to buy something...what to do, what to do!!!
PS. Ok, just ran some figures and 15% isn't shit. Netermind!!!!

and here are a few pictures to add to my Our Hole collection:) This is a vanity I got for FREE. YES. FREE...Free me likes. A girlfriend of mine wasn't especially loving it and so I scooped it up.

unfortunately, for Jacob, I decided I HAD to/MUST/NO OTHER OPTION but to have both this vanity and the Craig's List couch up and in working order in one night. Needless to say...the wedding's...STILL ON;) Yes, we survived that night.
But...we have no lights in the living room. Yeah. While Jacob was putting our 'new' furniture together, I decided to change a bulb in our living room chandelier type delio and I decided to do this while the lights were still on AND with a bulb that was actually too small.
A few sparks later and some naughty words...and yes, 3 days later, we're still without lights. I have a feeling I'll be talking of our light outage situation till after the 1st of the year. Things like that just go...unfixed.:(

me being 20% cute and a lot more creepy:)

POINT: this is the vanity in it's new home - OUR Bedroom:) The plan isn't to keep it there forever. Eventually I'd like to have a walk-in closet and this puppy will be shoved in there. It needs a solid paint job and at the moment I'm thinking simple white or cream. Mmmm, cream...yep, that sounds about right.

but anything that gives me a stool and huge mirror to apply make-up in the morning is a step-up from being on my knees in dim lighting as I was for months...and monthsssss. I shocked myself when I got to work a few times. Yep. Nothing scarier than feeling like a rock star in dim lighting by your lonesome at home and then hitting those florescent ones in the work bathroom 5 hours later and realizing that the sparkle purple you picked out with the 'blue' eye liner, you could have WORN was massive Don't and those looks you were getting from your coworkers weren't ones of envy. Boo:(

but all that's behind me now!!!!
Here's my new Pretty Face Station. Here's where the magic happens:)

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