Monday, January 24, 2011

he got gameeeeee.

recently I was able to go to one of my oldest nephew, Peyton's, basketball games!

this kid rocks. That's all there is to it. There's not a lot that he can't do...and if he can't do it, he can probably come to me and Jacob's house and do it!!;) I kid Courts...promise on our sleepovers he doesn't eat Sherbert ice cream before dinner with me, while waiting for Jacob to get his ass home and make our dinner, and then play Xbox (lots AND lots of killing...I even had to leave the room after a while;) till he literallllyyyy complained of some vision changes and then we eachhhh ate Jacob's weight in pizza and chocolate milk (the manually mixed kinda..get real;) and then throw in Hangover...cause the kid has to learn sometime...right?!

good times. Good times:)

yep. No clue who the 'weird kid' was. And yes, I did refer to him as the 'weird kid' when I was telling Mal to 'just take the picture with the weird kid too'.
FAAAaaaannnnNNNNNSSSSSSsssssss (my interpretation of the wave;)
some enjoyed the game more than others!

austyn. What's a basketball game without your prettiest pink tutu?!
lia bear. Man this chick is hilarious.
I love to cheer. Not obnoxious "COME ONNNNNNNN, PICK IT UP... CONCENTRATE... WHERE'S YOUR HEAD AT REFFFFF!!!!!"....but more like "Come ON can do it!! Keep it up!!! SO close!!"....Lia found that this was quite embarrassing and so I thought...what would my dad do in a situation like this?! Hmmm...

FLASH BACK - my 7th grade D.A.R.E Graduation...the only kid who gets a standing ovation...with a slow clap...from her dad....THIS KID...Love you too dad;)

SO I channel my dad and yell "LETS GO LIAAAAAAAAA"....believe me...someday she'll thank me;)

the games were intense and I'm sad that because I work every other weekend I'm unable to be there for the majority of the games. But they are so worth it when I'm there:)

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