Saturday, February 19, 2011


i just finished reading a blog post - here - and for whatever reason it seemed very romantic. I don't really even think it was...but it has inspired me to write a little something about Jacob.

i love Jacob. I love that he holds my hand. He reaches for my hand cause he wants to hold it whenever he can:)
We hug in the middle of a walk cause we just feel like it. Yep...we like giving the towns folk a show;) - now wondering if this is part of the reason Jacob refuses to take 'day-time walks'?!?;)
And when I suggest things like having dinner cause we are down to 199 days till the wedding and I'm excited that we broke 200...a huge countdown milestone...or taking vacations to random places like Bunaken Island, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia - for REALIO!!...he's totally on board!

here's your puke bucket;)

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