Tuesday, December 20, 2011

in need of BUMP inspiration:)

courts and I try to change it up with the baby bump photos...I hope not to bore you every week but since there's an actual bump now...I feel as though the excitement will pick up a bit.

BUT to keep you interested...I thought I'd try to find some new inspiration...for baby bump poses and there are soooo many cute ones! Hoping to remember this come next week!!:)

UP makes me SO anxious to get a few taken with Jacob. We're taking a different approach to the 'maternity' photos because neither of us really wants those posed ones together. SO come March we have something planned with Courts and can't wait to see how it turns out:)

all photos courtesy of Pinterest

UP again...adorable and I want that dress. Reminds me that I get to spoil myself...no reason other than the fact that I have a baby in me. SO thinkingggggg...baby shower dress?!:)

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