Tuesday, December 20, 2011

week 20:)

1/2 way folks. We.Are.Half.Way.

is this blowing anyone else's mind as much as mine?!?!? I'm guessing not:)
But seriously. We're at 20 weeks and there are only 20 more and if they go even 1/2 as fast as the first 20...my head will literally explode!!! I may still be in denial.

i've actually had to begin to think about what our baby shower invites will look like. I've already put a great deal of thought into this but now we're nearing the time where we'll actually have them designed. I'll be sending these out Feb. 1. WHAT?!?!?

POINT: so far so good.

this baby is super calm. I don't feel him a lot. Sometimes that worries me but for the most part, I don't think I can really distinguish between movement and the plain old body/stomach stuff. So I think he moves more than I think. Don't get me wrong. I feel him every now and again but I wish I could feel him more:) And I'm counting down the minutes until Jacob gets the opportunity to feel him. This I'm excited for:)

now...the details:

okay...this photo above, is ridiculous. It may look completely natural (hardly;) but I told Courts I was trying to look natural and laugh by 'fake' throwing my head back. It wasn't super successful;)...seriously made us laugh our asses off:)

due date: may 10, 2012:)

boy or girl: still going with a boy.
AND I did some Chinese Predictors online and the majority say boy:)
BUT now I have a girl name I love...so yeah. I'm cool with either or!

names: we did some more adding and deleting over the last week.
Names that didn't make the cut:
Some newly suggested names:
I like...but not enough to keep on the list:) BUT keep the suggestions coming!!

belly: ah. yes. There is a belly and sometimes I just feel like I should be able to suck it in and it doesn't and then I'm thinking...holy shit. This thing is NOT going anywhere. And on top of that...this thing is ONLY going to get larger. I have yet to wrap my mind around this process:)

nausea: none really. Lucky am I:)

stretch markssss: no new ones that I can see but again, the old ones seem to be looking more obvious. Unavoidable, so I'm not really too worried about such things:)

weight: umm...a subject that is, some days...a sore one. BUT I do feel good and the days where I find an outfit that I like - like today - it doesn't bother me one bit.
At this point I'm a bit over...I weighed myself a few days ago and had already went up a few pounds. BUT this was after 5 days of non.stop.fast.food. SICK. So we've kicked that shit and are now concentrating...again - broken record here;) - and are trying to stay healthy

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN (so far): ? could be as much as 17lbs BUT I think we're about 15lbs, realistically:)

touch: none today...yay:)
BUT I do find people who know I'm pregnant, lookingggg for a belly. Like they're going to see something there...again, unavoidable...but makes me want to pull up my sweater and give them what they're looking for;)

wardrobe: every day I tryyyyyy to find something cute to wear. And some days are a success and some days...are not. But that was no different before. Just trial and error:) But I'm enjoying those days when things are successful and I feel great and feel like I look the part too:)

PS. Gorgeous photos by:


  1. Beautiful beautiful beautiful! Amazing photos once again! Awsome job Courts!

  2. LOVE your outfit!!! And I can't wait to see the baby bump in a few days. You best believe I WILL be looking. ;)

  3. thanks for the shout out, and yes... that laugh was nothing short of ridiculous!

  4. hilarious yes. :)
    Beautiful photos :)
