Thursday, May 24, 2012

all in 2 weeks time:)

homer's 2 weeks old. I've only cried twice over this:( Sometimes I look at cute little 3-6 month outfits and think...for a SPLIT second...I can't waittttt till Homer can fit into this cute outfit! And then I realize that would mean it wouldn't be today...this second...and he'll be getting older...time will have passed. And then I snuggle closer to my little man and hope he never grows up:(

here's what we've been up to over the last few weeks...besides me crying;)

we went on our first family walk about 9 days after Homer came home:) Normally he's not screaming on our walks;)

he was given his first sponge bath....

by Aunt Courtney:) 
She, along with aunt Mal Mal, have been doing SO many firsts that we're afraid they may have to continue this for each of our future babies;)

and we've just been laying him around the house and taking photos of him:)

we want to get lots of photos with Homer. Now to figure out how to get all 3 of us together! Family photos to come in the next few weeks!!!:) (with Courts:)

we've also gotten so many amazing cards and visitors and snail mail gifts...its been amazing and hopefullyyyyy I'll have/get Thank Yous to all of you shortly, if I haven't already!:) 

and's where I'm at after 2 weeks! Some walking...lots of eating on Homer's part...not so much on mine. I was telling Courts today that the days FLY by. For real. I feel like I'm doing SO much and yet nothing at all. And even on those days that me and Homer just lounge around...the house somehow still gets dirty!? HOW?!?! But at the same time...we've managed to stay on top of the laundry and dishes and everything else...but eating. Why eating ranks so low on our list of priorities...I have no clue. But when Homer's eyes close for any longer than 30 minutes...I usually chose to close my eyes with him...laundry...blogging...banking...and then before you know it, it's 8PM and I only remember eating a banana at 550AM. OOPS?!?!

so this photo isn't to brag OR complain. I just feel great:) I was warned that my body 'after' baby could be quite scary. Sure, it was...different but it hasn't been scary or upsetting at all (get back to me on that in 6 months when I still haven't lost the weight;). When Jacob and I got engaged and then married and even during my pregnancy...I felt the most confident I'd ever felt. Life was amazing and he made me feel amazing and I was probably walking around with a chip on my shoulder...sorry;)
BUT then I had Homer and far, being a mom feels pretty great:):)


  1. He is beautiful...can I have him now ?

    1. He's perfectttt! I can't hardly put him down:)!!

  2. He is so cute! You look great Casey ;)

  3. Aw, he's looking like such a little handsome man already! And you're looking great too! WinWin. ;)
