Monday, May 21, 2012

wrist milk.

i will be ordering this tomorrow. I'm sleeping on it...only because I promised Jacob I would...but I'm fake sleeping on it cause I've already mentally bought it. Done deal hubby. Soooooo so sawwwwweeeee;) 

i love it and will be having it personalized with a little 'h' on it for my Homer boy:) And then I'll be switching it from wrist to wrist in order to remember which side to nurse Homer on besides being completely's serving a VERY...veryyyy...important purpose;)


  1. haha, agree with Courts. There's no questioning this one. :) love it.

  2. Aww what a lovely gift for you! I'm having number 4 and I've never really brought myself a gift but I might just do it this time! Being functional and all how could you not buy it?!
