Friday, July 9, 2010

seriously sad puppy.


I feel like shiat today. yes. Total shiat.

not sure if it's the can of Fruit Cocktail I ate in record time at 7a.m. or the fact that I've been running my face off for the last week and will have clocked over 50 hours in at work plus an additional 6 hours tonight waitressing (MY GOD...when will I be done with this 2nd job BULLL SHIT!?).

or maybe I'm just worn out from the heat and being in the sun and running, running, running. And I don't mean the type of running where your body looks amazing...I mean the type of running where you're up North, you're at a friends, you're in the sun, you're in the water, you're listening to kids whine, you're back home, then you're not....and at each stop you eat your weight in some seriously fatty foods. AHHHHHHH!!!!

most likely it has to do with answering phones for 50 hours in one calls from people dealing with issues that are seriously ridiculous in the scheme of things.
- nope, your kid is NOT the first one to get pink eye
- nope, I can't tell you if your boyfriend, who lives in Chicago, who you haven't been sexually active with in 3 months is the one that gave you Chlamydia
- nope, puncture wounds in your foot from dropping a pitch fork on it will not just 'go away'
- nope, we can't make all the nurses get off the phones and take YOUR call cause you think your kids fever is the biggest emergency you'll everrrrr face name is not Stacy and I'm NOT a nurse (I just said that aaaaaaaHOLE!!)!

wow...surprisingly my stomach feels better already. Maybe my venting has tamed the ulcer for a little bit. Maybe even long enough to make it through this torturous 16 hour day!!!
peace out:)

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