Tuesday, September 24, 2013

week 14:)

i'm prettyyyyyy stoked.happy.giddy.OVER THE MOON excited to be starting these posts again!!! Yep. I can hardly believe that we're here...starting over again...another baby. TWO. Makes me SO happy to know we're adding to our family. Makes me SO sad to know that that means Homer is growing older with each minute - shit. that may also mean that I'm growing older with each minute...lets not go there;)

this time around time has gotten away from me! Could be that I'm chasing around a 16 month old in my downtime. Not leaving a whole lot of time to run around taking photos and notes on this pregnancy. BUT trying to stay on top of things as best I can:) 

regardless...this pregnancy already seems to be flying! From the day I found out I was pregnant - I took a positive pregnancy test at about 3AM in a gas station bathroom just a few hours North of Atlanta, GA!! We were on our way to visit friends in GA and attend a wedding in FL:) PS. I kept it from Jacob for abouttttt 10 days?! I wanted to surprise him with the news on his 30th Birthday. Believe me...it was worth the wait. Remember how it was the BEST Birthday he'd EVER had?!?! Yeah. That may have had something to do with it;) - and now here we are...over 10 weeks later! 

due date March 28th...although, I think it's closer to March 25th...but we'll find out a more definite date come November when I have my big ultrasound.
ALSO. My bestie pointed out that this is a pretty interesting date for my 2nd child to enter the world. 

- the baby could come on MY birthday - March 23rd - and we all know that MY birthday is like...my most favorite and selfish day of the year. Can I share? Am I willing to share?;)

- the baby could arrive on Easter - see HERE my history with Easter;). And Easter can go to hell. So there's that.;)

boy or girl right now both Jacob and I feel it's a boy. I felt the exact same way with Homer. It's not because we already have a boy. It's not because I want it to beeee a boy - I'm SO okay with either:) I just feel like it's a boy. SO there;)

also...we won't be finding out the sex of the baby this time around either!:)

names we've still got our same list as last time. Some have moved up on the list. Some have moved down. Some have come off all together. Here are 2:

Ruby - awwwwww. This makes me sad. This was our ALL time favorite girl name. Like tip top. Loveeeeed. And then we just felt like we were hearing it a lot. Maybe it just became different over time. And then we adopted our little dog, Rudy. And that pretty much put the final nail in the coffin;)

Erro - as in Arrow. The ones you shoot with a bow and arrowwwww. Yep. My super sweet husband came home with that one. And I smiled and nodded as I pretended to add that crazy to the list;)

belly not sure if there's a belly really...I mean...something's brewing but so far...softness and definitely to the point where I just feel a bit bloated most of the time. I look forward to a 'real' belly:)

weight um. Whyyyyy must it always come down to the weighttttt!?!?!?;) 
I started this pregnancy a bit lighter. 135lbs. Which was great. Gave me a head start, which I needed;) I thinkkkk I'm at about 146lbs. About 2lbs lighter than I was with Homer around this time. That's a win in my book:)

current weight: 146lbs
total weight gain: 11lbs

wardrobe since I was pregnant with Homer around this time of year I haven't needed to add a lot to the wardrobe. I did change jobs recently, which involved adding some scrubs to my wardrobe. But I think this will work to my advantage as I get larger:)
Courts and I took a recent kids-free trip to Target and I purchased the denim top I'm wearing in these photos. I surely don't need to be wearing this maternity top yet but wanted to have a 1st photo in it and then come week39 I'll jump in it again to blow your minds with my physical transformation;)

baby buys i mayyyy have grabbed a few things for this baby already! I can't help myself:):) I got the quirky onsie below at H&M while Jacob and I were on our Anniversary Overnighter:) And THIS adorable outfit was actually for my friend, Karey, who was supposedddddd to be having a boy but found out she is having a GIRL!!!!! SO excited for her and so excited to add that little outfit to my 'boy bin'. And, apparently, I have the worst instincts...ever...cause I seriously thought she was gonna have a boy!!!;)


and then there's my first. The one that is guilty of starting it all:) These are quite possibly my new FAVORITE photos of the 2 of us! If I had to describe Homer to someone...I would show them the 3 images above:)

i can't wait for Homer to be a big brother. I can't wait to be spending my days with Jacob and our TWO children. Homer's made me love being a mom more than anything and I am so happy that we're able to add more babies to our family to love:)

thanks to my mom for taking all these amazing photos!!!:)

now...if you're not already aware you've obviously been living under a rock...this could be mind.blowing. My older sister, Courts, isn't just posing with me in the above photo cause she's weird like that;)

she's PREGNANT TOO!:!!!!!:):):)

ah, yes. Got you good with the sister-pregnancy-situation! Now...double the posts. double the laughs. double the babies and most especially...double the food intake;)

my due date: March 28th
courts' due date: March 30th

please note:

- i got pregnant FIRST

- i WILL have this child FIRST (and faster and with less drugs and less poo and less stitches;)

- and don't hate if I gain less weight during this pregnancy AND have a cuter baby;)



so the goal is to have taken the photo above in a top that will still fit our bellies towards the end of our pregnancies. Then we'll take another photo sitting in the same spot showing off our largeeee 36 to 39 week bellies and thennnnnn when those precious little babies come screaminggggg out are delivered by storks;) we'll take a photo in the same spot for a 3rd time but holding our new baby:)

oh gosh. I'm pumped:):)

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