i seriously wonder how we got here some days. I know I've said it before but we were such Ace HOLES...for soooo freaking long. And then we were ace holes apart and now we're not ace holes and we're together! God...it's SO much easier to be happy:)
but alas. This post is not about our amazing love for each other. Don't fear...one of those posts will come soon. We're nearing 3 months you know;)
this is about...you guessed it. Things I want that I'm willing to make Jacob work overtime to get for me;) I KID. Did you not see I worked my ACE hole off this weekend...the HOLIDAY WEEKEND!? I deserve as much shit as my little fingers can click into my online basket:)
The list is mile long and includes a $250 check for wedding reception rentals (chairs, tables, linens, blah blah). But the Etsy list is what's killing me.
HOLD YOUR HORSES. Just added up how much the 10 - yes 10 - Esty purchases I'm hoping to make in the next 24 hours and it only comes to $282...plus shipping and tax...frick. We're probably looking at $350. BUT that's seriously not bad. All these purchases could include (but are not limited to:):
- MY wedding band
- Jacob's wedding band (minus the Iron Man etching he wants on it...for realio. Where does this kid come up with this shit?!;)
- my possible future babies' festive sweater
- a necklace for the reception
- a small gift for the moms that brought our awesome aces into this world (thankkkkkk you - I assume it blows your mind daily how awesome we are!?!?;)
as you can see. Tomorrow's work day will consist of me online shopping. Sorry work...but you need to be cooler to hold my attention;)
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