and HOLY hell...it's freaking 10 minutes to 2AM. Which means the likely hood of me pulling my ass out of bed by 9AM for coffee with sisters...seriously unlikely. Boo:(
POINT: thoughts on the new header!?
obviously, I'm not a pro with these things but I know that something simpler is for surely me. Giving it a shot for a while and in these wee hours of the morning, I even threw around the idea of changing the name of the blog all together.
Once the wedding is over, I've questioned whether I'd keep the blog going...BUT then I figured I'd leave it be so that while Jacob and I are in Spain, peeps can follow here, if they'd like, to see what we're up to while on our Spain adventure:)
i'm going to give myself 30 days. The 30 days between the wedding and Spain. In that time...I may rename and start something fresh...more related to our lives and not so much our (old news) wedding;). OR I'll get us through Spain and then...you'll have to get your kicks...and fbombs...elsewhere:)
me likey... and continue to blog, whether it's wedding or YOU related, it's fun to read!