Tuesday, June 14, 2011

picnic with a breeze.

seeing as I have a millllion photos that are just sitting in dark folders...I figure I need to get them out for the world (aka. you 5 followers;) to see!
Here you are...

tonight we had a picnic with family on Jacob's side. Today was his Aunt, Linda's, Birthday and tomorrow is his mom's birthday!
Besides the wind...it was fantastic!!! Amazing food and a nice glass of wine and just being outside. Success.
The onlllllllly thing that could have been better...having my meat cut up for me in bite size chunks. Apparently, besides my excessive drinking privileges...having my meat cut up into bite size chunks, has also been taken away. What is this world coming to!?!?!?;)

UP some friendly and not so friendly lawn games. The boy gets a bittttt competitive. I think there was some awkward 'jumping' happening and some "Why dont you just go home?! that's your home! are you too good for your home?"...Love that quote:)

UP a gift for Julie's birthday...after a bit of taste testing...I approve:)

DOWN fun on the death jumper. I MEAN trampoline. Seriously. I could devote an entire post to why all the trampoline's in the entireeeee WORLD should be burned. Courts doesn't feel the same...maybe she missed Nash landing on his head/neck?! OR the fact that she encouraged us to join her in jumping from the roof of the house onto one of those back breakers in middle school. A.Hole;)

SIDE NOTE: I guess they're worth it for this shot of Lia, below. Freaking awesome!:) OTHERWISE...they suck!

UP drew baby. CUTE-E.

DOWN a and Drew Baby....CUTE-ES.

DOWN jacob and I. I'm sporting the ball cap (and have the scratch marks on my forehead to prove it...WHY must they itch so bad?! Frick) cause when I get my hair dyed...I leave with my forehead dyed. It's the life I lead.

ah. Just a great day! More to come tomorrow on the hair situation. We decided to try 'some' red. 'Some' red turned into 'your hair really grabs onto that red'...I like:)


  1. What a bunch of wonderfully awsome photos!!! I just love that first one of all of you eating and Lia on the trampoline!!!! Looks like you all had a great time!!!!

  2. AMAZING shot of Lia! good times :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Casey Mae. GREAT photos!!!!! I'm so sad I wasn't there to take part in the festivities! I, too, would've been devastated about not having my meat cut up, but let's be real, my dad probably would've done it for me! ;) And TOTALLY agree on the trampoline. I flew off one as a kid and have never been the same. Ha!

  5. love the trampoline nickname. And LOVE that shot of Lia. super cool :)


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