Saturday, August 20, 2011


holy hell. I have a 30 year old sister. That does NOT seem possible!!!!!

lucky for her...she's accomplished A.LOT in such a short amount of time.

Lets make a list, shall we:)

1/ found the love of her life very early on...17

2/ very shortly after (VERY SHORTLY;), they started a family = Peyton:)...also bringing on a period of my life where I swore I'd NEVER have sex. Um. Yeah. Seeing as I'm kid AND STD one can really prove that I'm NOT a virgin yet;)

3/ marriageeeeee = happy 10 yr. anniversary this year!!!:)

4/ much more family = 6 beautiful/healthy/amazing kids BEFORE 30:):)

5/and now an aspiring photographer = Courtney Smith Photography

UP/DOWN my favorite photo of her and Dave and her and I:)

UP always a camera in hand:)!!!

happiest of birthday's Courts! I would have fewer friends if it weren't for you and I feel you would have an emptier inbox if it weren't for me...we're even, right?!;)


  1. love this post and love the last picture!

  2. *tears* thanks Sister! we are even... although I don't remember when you took that last photo of Dave and me???

  3. It was just a random cook out photo:)


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