we're at 28 weeks!!! Which may as well be 30 cause that's how close 28 is to 30. And my next appointment, in 2 weeks, I'll be 30 weeks. And that will mean we only have 10 weeks to go and really!? 10 weeks!? That's a ridiculously SMALL amount of time. There have been times where I did NOTHING in 10 weeks. And even while doing nothing...it went SO FAST! But in the next 12 weeks...I'll be growing this baby...finishing a baby room...having not one, but 2 baby showers (Family/Friend - Coworkers...YAY:)...a 29th Birthday...a wedding of good friends...and our Annual MOA trip. Um. Yeah. This baby best continue chilling cause this lady has much to do yet;)
yes. 28 weeks is where we're at:):)
i'm still walking by mirrors and then stepping back into them thinking "holy shit...I'm pregnant. Look at that!?". And Jacob was just mentioning tonight how smoothly things have gone and how when we started this process...he assumed there would be...something out of the ordinary. But so far...so good:)
we're registered at the Hospital. They know us and are awaiting our arrival. As we walked out of those ER doors, we talked about how the next time we walked back through them (with any luck), we'd be having a baby. I showed Jacob how I'd probably sound the next time we came back through those doors.
Perfect breathing techniques;) “pant-pant-blow”
He on the other hand thought I'd sound more like:
"i can't do this Jacob. fword. JACOB. I can't do this. *sobbing* JACOB. fword. I can't do this Jacob. *sobbing* FWORD. FWORD. FWORD."
I'm hoping we can find a happy-ish medium;)
due date
may 10, 2012:)
LESS than 3 months folks!!!
the baby's aerobics class and my napping are now on the same schedule. This can make things difficult for yours truly. BUT feeling those strong kicks...I'll take it:)
stretch markssss
seems I'm getting some. Eeeek...
I feel okay about it though. Just some on my ace BUT I've doubled up on the belly butter - on my ace - in hopes of putting a stop to it.
From what I hear...getting to 7 months, stretch mark free, isn't much of a feat. The true test is that last week before you go into labor. Seems that's when your body realllllyyyy falls apart on you;)
as I said last week...we're tipping the scales. Blah. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that my efforts pay off and I can maintain a 1lb. weight gain for the rest of this pregnancy but I'm not holding my breath. It IS what it IS:)
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN (so far): 30lbs.
our Annual MOA trip is coming up in April and I'm finding myself veryyyy anxious. BUT holding out. Haven't purchased anything new in quite some time.
BUT my Cali Friend, who is also pregnant, just threw a top in the mail for me that wasn't fitting her. Her boobies are too small...so obviously she thought of me. And that's OKAY. When anyone thinks of big boobs...my face should pop into your head. Cause yeah...they've taken over;)
baby buys
we've made it one more week with no purchases. BUT as you saw...in the previous post from Etsy...there are things I WANT! But we're holding out.
Progress on the Baby Room should be beginning next week and then we'll have a better idea of what we want/need for the space.
I also see that a few things have been bought off our Registry. MY god. It's impossible not to peek! As of today...NO MORE PEEKING! But by god...I'm excitedddddd!! Was I this excited for the Wedding Shower?! I'm not sure...I don't feel like I was. Maybe this is a bit more exciting cause I'm really hopinggggg for things. Things that a baby NEEDS.
I'm already BEYOND exciteddddddd Lhalkghalkghlaglaghlgala:)
as always...thanks for the photos Courts!:) They turned out fantastic...I'm not even hating my face. It looks uncharacteristically thin on this day;) And, like the super mom that she is...she did this after a sleepless night, due to a few puking rally's by the kiddo's.
UP nasher-man watching...and not puking at the moment...while I got my bump photos taken:)
and now I'm off. Water Aerobics Class tonight and a VERY tiring week ahead. Meetings, meetings, meetings at work. And possibly a Target stop to break things up at some point. I mean...obviously;)
thanks as usual for the shout out. I can't tell you enough how excited I/we are for you. Mallory and I talk about it nearly every day. and then we have a really good laugh! your birth story is going to rock! ;)