Friday, November 20, 2015

week 1: rocky peyton

one of my favorite things about having Rocky around, so far - besides EVERY.DAMN.THANG';) - is Homer going up to Rocky to 'feel his cheekers' and saying: "Rocky Peyton, you are soooooo cute!!!". I mean. Then I died:) For the most part, Homer refers to him as Rocky Peyton. Not JUST Rocky...Rocky Peyton and it's just about the best thing I've ever heard:)

week one with Rocky has been prettyyyyyy awesome. Knock.On.Wood;) I know how these things can change on a dime...but so far we're all super happy - except during the hours of 5-7PM when my 2 elders HATE LIFEEEEEEEEEEEE. OTHER THAN THAT - am I still yelling? Cause that happens a lotttttt between FIVE AND SEVENNNNNNNN!!! ;) 

let it be known: I officially hate this time of year. The darkness...not good.

rocky sleeps like a normal baby. Which we haven't had since 2012! Theo had already rocked our worlds by day7...or was just beginning to. Where you start to realize them not sleeping isn't a's like...their THING. But Rocky's thing is being cool as a cucumber and sleeping and nursing like a little champ and being super cute. Pretty annoying shit all around;)

he weighed 7lbs15oz on the way out and weighed in at 8lbs5oz on day6 of his life. Boom:)

with it being hunting season and my husband being into that sorta thing;), tomorrow is opening morning and will also be my first day alone...with all 3 kids - scaryyyyyy face. I'm honestly not too nervous about that. We have coffee planned with my sister. I also have plans to have her give him his first bath:) 
(FREE MOM ADVICE COMIN' IN HOTT: come up with fun 'traditions', like having your sister give your baby it's first bath while you Christmas Shop online and throw back coffee at HER house;)
And my mom will be taking one or both, Homer and Theo, with her on a quick run to do I'm guessing my first day will only really include nap-time and a few hours before Jacob walks back through the door. Phew;) I'm not exhausted already;)

in conclusion: Rocky Peyton is perfection:)

photos courtesy of: Courtney Smith Photography

i don't know how we got from top to bottom so quickly:'(

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