Thursday, May 13, 2010

shorties and boots.

a couple things I'd like to point out in this post.
1/ SUPER cute outfits and loving the black. Me love black:)
- photos courtesy of Lily & Jae
**after some digging I WAS able to find prices on Lily & Jae, prices that were in fact out of my price range. Mystery solved.
2/ I'm more than frustrated with sites that have NO prices listed. What do I have to do to get a price? Are they assuming that you should not even be looking at their site unless you can afford to buy something without knowing what the cost is? It's just seriously ridiculous.
- the previous post 'pretty stand ups' has the same problem, when looking up those gorgeous brides maids dresses at Rachel Pally....NO prices...arg. I can only assume they are and will always be out of my price range.
3/ and my new favorite thing is shorts and boots! I think I'll be dipping into that further in a future post. Shorts and boots, shorts and boots.

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