Friday, July 16, 2010

wrapping up Friday.

today is going to be justtttt a bit of randomness!

the day has already started out well. Found that busting my ass last week at work with extra hours and over time and MORE extra hours really paid off. SO much so that I will now be quitting my job to blog at night, full time...while drinking a glass of pickle juice. Yes, that's how I roll;)

no, in reality it's already gone but all to good places. I even got a Victoria's Secret bra yesterday while shopping, which I may still return. I just feel that my Victoria's Secret days may be over for a while - at least till the Semi-Annual Sale;). Just a lot to spend for something I could get at Target...and just about as good.
The day spent with Jacob and running errands, overall, was wonderful. Did some shopping, and randomness and even got into one fight while at Kohl's. I mean SERIOUSLY. I do not like being lost or feeling lost for ANY amount of time and 5 minutes did me in. I waited out by the car till numb nuts finally found me and believe me...I did not have a cute face on!!!! But we had a good laugh about how silly it is not to be able to have ANY cell phone coverage when you most need it!!! arrrrrrr.

i also got up with Jacob this morning and saw him off to work. I swept up a dead bunny sized pile of dog hair up - my lovely Friday routine - and then went bike riding with a friend. Well, I rode bike next to her while she ran 3 miles. I also tried not to sound out of breath while talking to her, even though she ran while holding up lengthy conversations with me. Damn her to hell!!!

now I'm eating obscene amounts of strawberries with fluff (marshmallow fluff w/ cream cheese - fatty?!?!? Noooo;) And then I'll be heading out to stop at each of my families homes to bother them! I LOVE Friday's!!!!

here are a few snap shots of the crazy storm we had this week. Beautiful too! And Jacob, camera whore, had to be in one of the shots...well, at least part of him:)

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