Saturday, December 25, 2010

when it all comes together.

as soon as I spotted Mila Kunis in this dress I knew I had made a great decision on my own wedding dress. Well, knew againnnn, that I'd made the right decision...because I'm more and more sure every day that I made the right decision in having my dress made. But seeing a dress like this, very similar to what I'll have...makes me so very very anxious:)

that also lead me to some details that may look amazing with my dress and some things that I actually feel similar to what I had already envisioned for myself:)

the details I love:

1/ the earrings....simple, round and touch of gold. ME loves a touch of gold in most things:)

2/ ruby go with my new ruby band:) I feel VERY J.Simpson...

3/ being serenaded. I've never really heard Jacob sing but for some reason I feel like he'd be good at it if he did. And damn handsome:')

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