Sunday, July 3, 2011


yesterday my mom, BFF - Gerd and I traveled 2-1/2 hours away to check out more wedding related stuff and make sure we tied up loose ends regarding the BIG DAY!!!!

Unreal. UN.REAL.

it was a gorgeous day and it was soooo fun. Wish we could have had more time to enjoy it but we had a LOT to squeeze in. More to come on that soon:)

but as excited as I am about this wedding of ours. Yesterday got me that much more excited.

SO I just found a couple cute photos that reminded me of badass-ness...and for some reason badass-ness feels like our wedding:)

UP/DOWN the most adorable couple with the most awesome style. She makes me want a sleeve of tattoos...kinda;) And to be more badass! Love the look, love the hair:)

DOWN hellooooo. We are for surely onto something with the skater/fatty shoes. Love this and can't wait to see our boys sporting them. Badass.

all photos courtesy of Souder Photography

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