Monday, July 18, 2011

excuse my ace. clue where to pick up when I've been seriously in a haze. HAZE!!! Where the fuck are my days going?!!??! WHERE?!

it's been freaking crazy and I feel like the days are flying by and it's crazy busy but yet I feel as if nothing is happening...nothings being DONE! It's uncool. SO here's a little bit of what the last 2 weeks of our life have looked like...this is post one.

WE.GOT.A.CARRRRRR!!! One who's nickname is not 'the Biscuit'. One that doesn't need to have the heat blaring (especiallllly on hot days) in order to keep it from overheating. One that I feel like I can now allow the cute Menard's guy to help me carry my bags to the car;) Also one that has enough trunk room to...cuddle with Jacob;). LITERALLY. We could get in that trunk and cuddle. There's room for such things!!

went to good Ol' Colby Cheese Days and met friends and took ridiculous photos about how amazing of a time we were having. YES. That's my 'I'm having an amazing time...this amazing time is blowing my mind hole!!!'.

there were kids. An over abundance of fantastically cute kiddo's:)

i scored a great mirror at our local thrift shop. Believe me...this mirror is STILL haunting me because they charged me once on my credit card, once on my bank card AND I still ended up giving them a check to leave with the damn thing and now I'm waiting for them to refund me my money.
And so yeah...I pretty much held up the line at the 2nd hand store and the looks I was getting. Holy man...I could have killed. I looked like some rich bitch (yes...I looked good that day;) trying to rip off St. Vinnie's $20.55 for a mirror and tiny baby shoes and a USED swimming suit. Yep. Bought a used swimming suit and I feel no shame. NO SHAME!!!! (well...some....;).

more to come people......hang in there.

1 comment:

  1. Yay new wheels!!! love that shot :)
    Love all the rest of the photos too! :)


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