Monday, July 18, 2011

this is happeninggggg.

as you can's been busy..busy. BUSY!

besides spending money on cars, a patio set and used swimming suits;) I've also been supa' busy getting this wedding to come together.

PS. the boys passport just came in the mail today. After only 2 weeks. I did not WANT to flip out on him about the passport. It needed to be done. But believe me...he's loving the fact that he can tell me 'I TOLD YOU SO!!!!'.

on to more important things...more pretty things:)

UP/DOWN the BParty Invites went out last week and I loved them. So much so that I could hardly part with them. They were adorable in every way:)
BParty Text and Envelopes courtesy of my uber talented MOH, Courts:) And invite set-up, My Friend:)

DOWN the kiddo's helped me prepare some little hearts that will serve as gifts for them, as well as a distraction:) I spray painted them with chalkboard paint and the kids have been anxious to get their creative juices flowing on these things...only 52 more days:)
what hasn't been finished yet...our invites...a day or 2 more and they'll be in the mail! Could not be more excited and anxious about having these things out of my hands and in the hands of all our amazing friends and family!!!!

2 not so amazing things happening right now:

1/ the 99 degree heat in WI and the fact that our C/A decided to take a shit on us. How typical?! And no clue if this has to do with the heat or not, but the larger than life flies are slow as shit and using my forehead as a landing strip while I'm trying to fucking blog. Seriously. Slowly come in for landing, land, walk, swat. REPEAT!

2/ most of the songs I've downloaded on iTunes to be played at our Ceremony are apparently 'illegal' and have mysteriously been replaced with the most ridiculous recording and it makes me want to kill. KILL. Much worse than the flies. MUCH. Now I have the task of searching out another free downloading service, that I have to pray won't turn out to be 'illegal' by the time the wedding gets here.
The task of re-downloading 100 stings. Bad.

did I say 2 not so amazing things?! I lied. I meant 2 not so amazing things with 17 sub levels of not so amazing things.

good day;)

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