Monday, September 20, 2010

want it monday.

as you can see I've got a bit of the shopping bug. Luckily we weren't in the best shape after our BParty on Saturday to get up on Sunday and do any sort of shopping. So we took our blistered feet and headaches straight home!

but now that I've given it 24 hours and I'm alllllmost fully recovered....I'll do some browsing to help me make it through till our Annual MOA Shopping Spree in November! LESS than 2 months away! WHOOO hoOoOOO!

there were some super cute pieces that really reminded me of my anxiousness for me and Jacob's honeymoon. And his super sweet text this morning didn't help matters, he reminded me that this time next year we will have been married for 12 days. He's right. Married 12 days and IN Spain....IN SPAIN...together, alone, happy, newlyweds:)

not sure if it is hair that I love the most or the actual shirt that's being advertised. But I love the detail of the puff on the shoulders and the open back IS great with the hair down. That mistake I made when I was just 18 - ugly back tat - will be covered with the hair Down!!!

and I've been looking for more boots. Not completely necessary but these for some reason, in the brown below...look SO comfy and warm to me. And they remind me of the J.Aniston picture below that I long to recreate!

all clothing pictures via ALLOY:)

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