Do I love my current ring - YES!!!
Would this have been the ring if we had more money, etc. - Mayyyybe not
Would I trade my ring in - NEVER
Does it mean the world to me and make it the one cause Jacob saw it and thought of me - More than words:)
Did we get super creeped out when we realized that my ring is an EXACT replica of Courts, the older sister's. Same size, same shape...the only differences are that mine is silver and hers is gold. And Jacob didn't buy the wraparound band that Courts has (thank goddddd;).
But when I told him this he was pretty surprised...obviously he hadn't done research on the rings in my life;) But that's okay...if anything it was just a fun reminder that we're all quite close. Closer than we think.
but really...isn't it bad enough that my sister is married to my fiance's brother and we're all super super (some say creepily;) close and NOW we have the same rings!?!;)

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