turns out that we planned this trip without realizing it was Oktober Fest. And we found that Oktober fest is a bigger deal than we could ever have imagined. Drunks at 10a.m., us calling people 'kids' who are in fact only 3 years younger than us...those same kids reiterating the fact that we are just not 'college' people. At one point we were following a group of young guys down the street and we actually had to cross to the other side of the street (PS. Jacob wouldn't let me Jay Walk so we had to endure for an additional 1/2 block - yes...when you stop Jay Walking...you're old;) because we couldn't take the smell of stale alcohol and cigarette smoke!! Realllly?! That used to be our typical weekend stench!!!!
mal and Chris after our BWW's meal. Chris was nice enough to swipe a buffalo crown for Mal. SO sweet:)
some of the flooding....
overall...a wonderful weekend. We were glad to be home but being in La Crosse is always a great feeling and always brings up lots of talk of our upcoming wedding.

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