this inspiring wedding, found on
Style Me Pretty, has helped me to keep my mind off the DJ we may have potentially chosen. Don't get me wrong. The guy's sweet and very passionate about what he does, I should know...I spent over 30 minutes on the phone with him and by the end I didn't have enough words to fake my enthusiasm;). He's getting up their in age, which makes Jacob question his ability to relate with the crowd...the 'Wedding Guide' he sent in the mail: see below. Man...looks like something that was printed of his Dell in 1990 and has been photocopied many, many, mannnny times since. Can we go with someone that lacks the ability to set-up something new in Word!?

besides that...How about this wedding?! I love black and white...but what I love more than black and white is Black and CREAM. I guess I'm just not a fan of that big of a contrast but black and cream keeps it just a tad closer.

point: I LOVE THOSE GLOVES!!! Could a girl like me, a bride like me...a wedding like ours...Could we pull off the black gloves? I sure do want to:)
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