Wednesday, September 22, 2010

wine. num num num:)

i'm not going to lie. I think I've kept things pretttttty easy for the ladies in my wedding. And by easy...I mean that they've only had to endure email, upon email, upon hundreds of emails. I don't think that's soooo much seeing as I've been engaged for 14 months and still have 350 days till Wedding DDay?!:)

mostly I just love this process so it seems ridiculous to put it on someone else's shoulders.

since that fabulous BParty (Bachelorette Party) I attended last weekend, all I've been thinking about is my very own shower and BParty and how much fun they'll be and what we'll do and where we'll go and what we'll wear and if there will be a theme.

so far I've narrowed down the shower to what I want...and here it be (Courts - MOH...take note).
THEME: Italian and Wine
FOOD: 1/ Spaghetti (my all time Favorite) made by Jacob with different topping options like meatballs, onions, mushrooms, ground beef, etc. 2/ fresh salad with Olive Garden dressing 3/ Cheesy Bread...YUMMMMMMMM!!!!

photo courtesy of Big Mouth Bride

point: I found this little game to play that would fit right in with the theme. You take a few bottles of wine and then we all taste test and have to categorize them into a certain price! FUN...obviously!:)

i would love to do other little games, some including questions that were asked of Jacob prior to the Shower...but as for the toilet paper outfits and the chewing gum or anyone touching me more than necessary...I'll pass.

story: I asked Jacob on our walk the other night if maybe he could get me a little present to give to Courts for me to open at the Shower. Mostly cause I love surprises and I love nothing more than surprises in present form;)
After having a lengthy discussion, mostly of me saying no to his dirty/inappropriate suggestions of potential presents he could get...we settled on a snapping turtle. Yep folks. That's the best I could get out of him and at that point I didn't want to talk about the present anymore;)

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