Honeymoon Part 2: Sevilla to Cordoba
below are photos of Cordoba, Spain, courtesy of Trip Advisor.
both Cadiz and Cordoba seem to have a lot to offer and I think it'll just come down to what time we get out of bed that morning and which direction we feel like going.
Cadiz is 1-1/2 hours South and Cordoba is about 1-3/4 hours North.
to the shore or inland is the question:)

UP i haddddd to add this photo. If I would have been there...I would have done a slow clap for her. To be that unaware of the issue with her lady parts and where they belong in that dress...priceless;)
CRACKING UP about the lady parts. Destination looks amazing tho! :)
I'm hearing that slow clap in my head and it's HILARIOUS!