Saturday, November 5, 2011

our baby:)

on Thursday we got to meet our baby and be reassured that a baby did, in fact, exist! I hate to admit it...but I was nervous about laying there and them saying "'ve just had gas for the last 13" BUT this was only because I had been feeling great and it still didn't seem like a possibility...pregnant?

i have to admit...things didn't go down so well walking into that appointment. I was feeling pretty griffy gruff from some work things right before the appointment. THEN there was the weigh-in...and believe me...records were broken. And thennnnnn I cried. And then I stopped crying and thought the whole appointment and hearing the heart beat was just gonna suck and it was ruined...

and then we see the little one and hear that heart beat and he was waving his arms all over the freaking place....and all was right with the world:)

jacob was supposed to record the heartbeat and we were going to get a photo while I was having the ultrasound but Jacob just stood there in awe (hands on face Home Alone - style;) the entire time. SO this is what we have...and in my giddiness...I held the damn photo upside down - although you can't really tell in the picture above;)

yep. It's surely real now...even though most days I'm still in awe of this entire process. We're very happy and very excited and VERY anxious to see the little one again in 5 weeks:)


  1. EEEEEEEEKKKK! I'm gonna be an auntie again! It's "real" now! Congratulations! So happy for you two!!! :)

  2. Congratulations again... it's going to be quite the ride ;)

  3. YAY!!!! hearing that heartbeat, I tell ya, if there was anything that could turn around a day it was hearing that heartbeat. Like you said: all is right in the world :)


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