Sunday, April 18, 2010

want it.

you may think I'm wanting a lot lately...and you may be correct. I've got a hugggge urge to go shopping and I made a deal with the Devil last night (A.K.A - J). He wanted to go play video games till the break of dawn...and by break of dawn...I meannnn the break of dawn. He rolled in shortly before 5a.m. this morning. WOW. That's some serious gaming.
Am I NOT the best fiance in the world...yes, I know I am.
SO I sensed last night that he was very much wanting to go spend some time with his buddies (if you can count staring into a computer screen for hours on end without speaking a word to anyone but some random 15yr. old from Guatemala, 'spending time with your buddies')...SO I proposed that we make a deal! Famous last words:)

DEAL: I be cool with him coming home at dawn, after playing video games for abouttttt 6 hours straight....I get to go shopping.
Thank you very much.

SO to wrap things up. I've been eyeing up maps lately. I'm unable to find exactly what I need on Etsy...or I'm sure I'd get it there. BUT eventually we will have an office of sorts and I want to hang this map, from Crate and Barrel, on the wall.
I plan to put pins w/ labeled tags of the places we've traveled on of the many things that me and J see on to eye on is traveling. We want to do it, kids, no kids...lots of kids. We'll be traveling for the rest of our lives!

PS. Oh my Christ (PPS. I'm not a religious that makes it okay for me to say that;)...this map is ONLY $19.95. This is happening!

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