Tuesday, May 25, 2010

coming out.

okay...enough is ENOUGH! I'm not really a 'pro' blogger and I've yet to get many followers...mostly cause many of my friends don't know how to become my follower;) BUT that's never been the goal or point of this blog! It is what it is and if this is all it ever becomes...I'm down with that:)

SO I've decided I'd rather just SAY OUR NAMES! I can't take all the J's and me's and Pigg's and C's and oldest and youngest and twice removed! I just want to SHOUTTTTTT who we freaking are!!! SO on with it....introducing....us:)

here's the groom-to-be and myself....JACOB and Casey:) - this picture is also a good reminder that I desperately need to get my hair colored. Arg.

feels good to have it out there...feels real good;) MORE to come as I find pictures that family and friends might actually approve of!

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