Monday, July 12, 2010

a good saturday.

we had a great end to the weekend! We spent some time at a family function and then ended the night with a stop on a gravel road for me to pee (arrrrgggg;) and figuring out at 130am that I'm seriously NOT losing my mind...but indeed, our crazy POS car seems to lock itself whenever the urge arises.

i kid you not...Saturday (well, Sunday morning after some daaaa-rinnnnkinggg) I go directly into the house upon arrival, strip off all my clothes and am immediately dead to the world. 7 Southern & Diet Dews on an empty stomach (except for the insane amount of chewy sprees I ate earlier) and a mind numbing 56 hour work week will do that to a girl! As all this is happening (and I'm sure it wasn't happening very pretty-like) Jacob leaves the keys in the car (completely sober...he's such a good boy:) and proceeds to follow my trail of clothes into the house.
He hears a sound....very similar to the sound of a car locking itseeeeelllllfffff and decides to go back outside quick to investigate. YES. You bet your ass. The doors are locked. REALLY?!

but besides that, which we actually found quite humorous...we had a great weekend. Just glad to get some more pretty pics and looking forward to another busy weekend to come. The fair is in our hometown and the Carny's have already begun to arrive.
I've been holding back the urge to yell on my walks "why are you HEREEEEE???'s Only MONDAY!!! Not sure if you're aware...but the fair is Friday night?! Do you KNOW what you being here does to a 2.5 yr. old?! Have you ever tried to explain the concept of Time to a child who sees a ride and wants to ride it today!!!!??? No not Friday...what's Friday, is that today?!"

yes. The fair is here and along with that comes our annual Sunday Parade day...cookout at me and Jacob's, as well as the annual locking of the doors....yes, we judge them.
And best of all it brings good friends!

me and Jacob at the Saturday family function...such great weather:)

Jacob and Nash

loosening up my grasp on the Southern & Dews for a minute or 2 to watch fireworks with my honey:)

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