Wednesday, July 28, 2010

more MOA goodies.

more shots from our recent Mall of America trip!:) Well, we actually rode along for 'moral support' cause Pigg (Megan) had an interview in the Cities! Whooo HOOO! We're excited to hear if she's on to the next step, which would mean a 2nd interview next week!!!!!

anyhoo....I'll fill you in on a few more things. Most importantly me finding my outfit for the New Year's Eve wedding me and Jacob are attending! It's beautiful and SO me and I just love it and luckily my mom asked to stop in at this new store, Francesca's Collection, cause I would have definitely passed any other time! And yep, we stumbled upon this beauty.!
I actually love it SO much that I'm considering having it made in cream for our Thursday night Ceremony. Yes. I've lost my mind. BUT this dress also makes me not want to go shopping in October for dresses anymore. I'd like to just stop and go with one of the many ideas I have so far. I'm just slowly but surely losing that urge to have a 'big/wedding/white/long/traditional' wedding gown. And that's exciting to me!:)

Francesca's Collection $38

ties I found for Jacob...thinking I'll snatch them up in November. Should have just ballsd up and did it then! Frick. I hate when I'm indecisive! - Aldo Accessories $15

my pretty MOA:)

me and Lukey trying on hats. We're so stylish:)

Lukey loved the Shark!!! He's so cute that it almost makes me want to throw the 'kid rule' out the window. ALMOST!!!!;)

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