Wednesday, July 28, 2010

my wants...purchased.

i just recently made a trip to MOA with my mom, sister Megan and nephew Luke. We had SO much fun and I found some great stuff!
There is NOTHING like Mall of America. It's the greatest and I get giddy just thinking about it! haglkhKLGHKLAHGLK - Me giddy!

so here are some of the things I bought and what I learned on my most recent MOA trip:
1/ kids...FANtasssstic as they are....are not welcome at MOA;)...and I only mean that for if you're shopping. Otherwise..have at it! It's a great place for the kiddos!

2/ don't run red lights, even on accident. It is scary...scary in that laugh until you find yourself crying and can't stop kinda scary!

3/ mom WILL throw down if you butt while we're waiting for the elevator...people are more and more oblivious to common courtesy.

4/ no sale at Nordstorm is sale enough for my checking account. Don't.Bother.

my new purse of choice - For Love 21 $32-ish?! - this store is basically Forever21's Accessories store
LOVE sunglasses and found 2 gems - For Love 21, $5.80-ish? and Aldo - $12-ish

super cute strapless jean dress - Heritage 1981 $8...YES. $8 freaking dollars!!!
graphic print skirt - Forever21 $22.80 - this will look amazing with just black flops, my black Target Wedges, flat tall black boots or with tights...Can't wait to get it out a few times a year and in different seasons!

cute detailed top - Forever21 $19.80

adorable beaded cardy that will go with ANYTHING...or at least I'll wear it with ANYTHING - H&M $24.95
Forever21 $22.80...had I paid any attention to the price I would not have invested in this tank, as cute as it is.
my new fedora-ish hat...mainly for Spain:) - Forever21 $8.80

please refrain from adding up the amount of money I spent in a total of 4 hours at the MOA! Yes. I like to shop and I wouldn't call it a problem. I'd call it a second love...very close second;) We actually have our annual trip coming up the 1st weekend in November and I'm beyond excited. I have really nothing on my list of Wants/Needs except for the usual fall/winter stuff: sweaters, cardys, boots, belts, stocking cap....
Currently the only few things on my list are:
1/ hard sunglasses case so that I can preserve the few sunglasses I have till Spain next year - or just foreverrrrr

2/ fly swatter

3/ rings for the shower curtain...just cleaned it all's ready to be showered in and I realize I never bought rings to hang the freaking curtain. Yes, that would be about the time I'd normally lose it. BUT after some deep breathing techniques and repeating 'serenity now...serenity now...SERENITY NOW' - courtesy of Seinfeld, I was able to overcome...barely!!!!

4/ umbrella

SO I don't think those few things are TOO much to ask for and Jacob has made me promise (aka. sign in blood) that I'd concentrate on actually using the money I take to MOA for Christmas Shopping, which is what that money is actually designated for. SO I have a lot of mental preparation to tend to before I'm ready to realllly commit to that 'promise'. I.Can.Do.This.

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